Students Collect Memories of summer of ’87

Students from all over the United States and even two candidates from Sweden have gathered to work at the Research Labs this summer. More than 40 students working in a variety of departments are part of the 1987 Summer Student Program. Generally the students are working toward their graduate degrees.

“The summer student program is really a recruiting tool,” says Burt Sparhawk, manager of Staffing Coordination. “We’re buying futures. We’re hoping that when these individuals finish their degrees, they’ll think of GMR.”

Accordin to Sparhawk, students gain the benefit of becoming familiar with particular research areas.

“GMR’s summer experience can help students define types of areas to gravitate into if they haven’t selected already,” he explains.

This year, summer students will meet several times throughout the next few months to get oriented to GMR as well as to meet each other.

“Last year, we sent a questionnaire to each summer student and we found out that nearly two-thirds of the students were interested in receiving more information about the Labs in general,” Sparhawk says. “So we have planned meetings with each technical director so that students will be able to see the sphere of influence in each directorate.”

Although students work hard, the summer student program is not all work and no play. The students were treated to dinner on Monday, July 27 at the GM Training Center.

Published by: General Motors Reseacrh Laboratories

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