Keynote Speaker – Big Data Summit, Sydney, Australia, October 24-28, 2014.


  • 3rd annual Big Data Summit in Sydney
  • Over 250 valued delegates from Australia and overseas participated in the 2013 Summit
  • Prestigious professional speakers and panellists from China, USA, UK, France and Australia
  • The Data Agenda: Challenges, trends and prospects
  • Latest scientific development in data and analytics science
  • The world fastest supercomputer Tianhe­2
  • Future of data science and analytics science
  • Data economy and industrial transformation
  • Competency, policies and processes
  • Data analytics case studies and showcases
  • Bigger data for smarter decision and social good

Vision & Mission

We are in the age of analytics. While “big data” is getting buzzier, the world is indeed becoming data richer, and more and more data­driven.
Bigger Data, Advanced Analytics, Smarter Decision, and Exceptional Future.
The annual Big Data Summit aims to be a top­level and independent annual forum for engaging and bridging the gaps between government, industry/business and academia in big data, data science, industrial transformation and data economy. The Summit creates unique platforms for industrial, government and academic attendees to communicate on big data and advanced analytics challenges, opportunities and collaborations towards promoting, building and shaping next­generation data science innovation, creative data­enriched government and industry/business, and analytics talent­focused education and training.
Every year, the Summit sees prestigious speakers from industry and government, as well as academia, across many different domains and disciplines. This is where you can network with peers and leaders with rich, unique and independent insights, thoughts, solutions and lessons, and to touch the base of fast-developing data and analytical field and business.

Who Cares?

  • Speakers to 2014 Summit: You see world leading professionals are going to address the Summit
    in Sydney, including Dr Usama Fayyad, the Chief Data Officer of Barclays Bank, UK; Prof Mary
    O’Kane, the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer; Prof Herve Martin, the Head of Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble, France; Prof Kai Lu, the associate chief of the world fastest supercomputer Tianhe­2 from China.
  • Dean’s Forum on Data Science: Deans, Heads of schools, Research Directors from Australia, China, France, USA, UK etc. are attending the Forum to debate on data science innovation, education and next-
    generation talent training.
  • C Forum on Data Economy: Listen to insights and debates from chief data officers, chief analytics officers, chief technology officers, chief information officers, managing directors, and partners who have been playing decision­making and driving roles in large banks, insurance, consultancy, government and business organizations in Australia, China, Europe, and North America.
  • 2013 Summit: Do you know, the 2013 edition in Canberra and Sydney attracted 250 participants
    from industry and government in Australia and globally?

Reports, Whitepapers and Debates

  • The first Australian commonwealth paper on big data: Big Data Strategy – Issues Paper, by AGIMO
  • The White House – Big Data Report
  • Oracle: Big Data for the Enterprise – White Paper
  • Computing Research Association: Big Data White Paper
  • SAS: White Paper: Big Data Meets Big Data Analytics
  • IBM: Big Data Reports
  • PWC: Big Data – The Next Frontier for Innovation
  • McKinsey: Big data: The next frontier for innovation competition, and productivity
  • IDC: Big data: Global Overview
  • ABC Technology Quarter on Big Data

Events & Activities

  • The 2014 Big Data Summit is going to be held in Canberra on 24 Oct 2014, and Sydney on 27­28
    Oct 2014.
  • The 2014 Summit will host a Dean’s Forum on Data Science on 27 Oct 2014 in Sydney for deans,
    heads of schools, research directors, and senior researchers to debate about the trends, gaps,
    prospects and opportunities brought by big data and data scienct to existing scientific fields and
    systems, and learning and teaching systems.
  • A C Forum on Data Economy is going to be held on 28 Oct 2014 in Sydney for sharing insights, views and debates about next­generation data-driven innovation, services, and economy by c-level leaders from different domains and backgrounds, including CEO, CTO, CAO, CDO, CFO and CIO.
  • The Summit will also host a Big Data School on 27 Oct in Sydney, which will create a unique opportunity for senior academics, professionals and players to share the latest development of data science, big data analytics, and relevant applications through highly selected tutorials.

Related Events

  • KDD2015 will be held in Sydney, the first Australian edition of the world largest data mining conference is expected to be a major event in the Asia Pacific region in 2015. The 2015 Big Data Summit will be co­located with KDD2015.
  • KDD2014 in New York City, which attracted 2300 registrations, with a majority of them came from
    industry and government.
  • 2014 IEEE/ACM Co­sponsored International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) in Shanghai
  • 2013 Big Data School on 10 and 11 April at UTS, Sydney
  • 2013 Big Data Forum on 11 April in Canberra
  • 2013 Big Data Summit on 12 April at UTS, Sydney
  • 2013 PAKDD Conference on 14­17 April at Gold Coast
  • 2012 Big Data Workshop at UTS, Sydney

Keynote Speakers

Prof Chuanrong Li
Chinese Academy of
Sciences, China


Dr Usama Fayyad
Chief Data Officer of
Barclay’s Bank, UK


Prof Huan Liu
Arizona State
University, USA


Prof Hervé Martin
d’Informatique de
Grenoble, France




Big Data Forum: Friday 24 Oct, Canberra

Venue: Hotel Realm 18 National Circuit, Canberra ACT 2600
This Canberra big data forum will consist of a few talks, that will cover areas including:
 The world fastest supercomputer Tianhe-2 and its applications in analytics
 Strategies, policies and regulations from the government on big data economy and industralization
 Best practices of government data analytics
 Snapshots of latest advancement in advanced analytics and big data science

Big Data School & Dean’s Forum: 27 Oct, Sydney

Venue: Aerial Function Centre, L7, Building 10, UTS, 235 Jones Street, Ultimo

Big Data School
This Big Data School session (27 Oct 2014, Sydney) is to offer audience with latest advancements in data science, data mining, machine learning, and advanced analytics for relevant domains through several prestigious lectures to be given by very senior professionals.
This year, we have topics to cover areas including:
 Advanced analytics
 Social media analytics
 Sentiment analysis
 Spatial big data analtyics
 Best practices in major public sector
 Latest development in advanced analytics research and practices
Dean’s Forum on Data Science
This Dean’s Forum on Data Science session is a premier platform for
 Deans in IT, Business, Health, Science etc.
 Heads of Schools in IT, Business, Health, Science etc.
 Research leaders
 Senior education managers and executives, and
 Senior market players in big data analytics in industry and government to share views and ideas, and to debate the demand, trends, challenges, and opportunities about strategic issues, topics and perspectives such as

 We have information science, why do we need data science?
 Do we need a degree of analytics and data science?
 What should be the knowledge map and competency for a quality data modeler or analytics manager?
 What are the gaps in the existing curriculum and knowledge delivered to students?
 What are the requirements and gaps seen in real-life best practices?
 What makes the next-generation analytics talent special in driving the data economy and data-driven decision making?
You are seeing Deans, HoSs, Research Directors, and senior chief officers from major
universities, industry and government in Australia, China, France, India, USA and UK to
address the Dean’s Forum.

Big Data Summit & C Forum: 28 Oct, Sydney

Venue: L7, Building 10, UTS, 235 Jones Street, Ultimo
The Summit
This year of summit will see more than 10 keynote and invited presentations by world leading professionals, researchers and real-world players, which will cover broad big data analytics areas and domains including:
 The world fastest supercomputer Tianhe-2 and its applications in analytics
 Government strategies, policies, and decisions about big data innovation, economy and industralization
 Latest advancement in data science innovation
 First-class practices in major banks for banking big data understanding
 Hands-on experience in exploring the largest insurance industry
 How advanced analytics save tens or hundreds of millions for government
 How complex tempo-spatial satellite data is understood to instantly identify natural disasters
 How social sentiment is developed and evolving in social media
 What are the latest and effective solutions to sort out headaches from CEO and CIO in competing with major market players

C Forum on Data Economy
The C Forum on Data Innovation, Insight and Economy is a premier forum to catch up with the busiest and most powerful decision-makers in the data economy and industralization, including “classic” drivers such as CEO, CTO, CIO and CFO, and more importantly the emerging authorities including Chief Data Officer and Chief Analytics Officer, to catch up with their thinking, insights, plans, challenges and strategies.
At this C Forum, you have chances to talk to world leaders from UK, France, China and Australia about topics such as
 Is data economy a new economy
 What makes the next generation of economy and industralisation
 What are the new business models, services, products and modes driven by big data
 How traditional business such as mining or manufacturing industries can benefit from using big data analtyics
 Where in the industry can benefit most from data-driven innovation and industralization
 Are the government and industry ready for utilising significant hidden values in big data
 What are the significant gaps in the decision-making processes for advancing data economy


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Please Note : Program schedules are subject to change

BigData, AllData, Old Data: Predictive Analytics in a Changing Data Landscape


The landscape of the platform, access methodologies, shapes, and storage representations has changed dramatically. Much of the assumptions of a structured data world dominated by relational databases have been rendered obsolete. Today’s data analyst faces big challenges and a bewildering environment of technologies and challenges involving semi­structured and unstructured data with access methodologies that have almost no relation to the past. This talk will cover issues and challenges in how to make the benefits of advanced analytics fit within the application environment. The requirement for Real­time data streaming and in situ data mining is stronger than ever. We demonstrate how many of the critical problems remain open with much opportunity for innovative solutions to play a huge enabling role. This opportunity makes Data Science and several related fields critical to almost all future analytical tasks.


USAMA M. FAYYAD ( M. Fayyad, Ph.D. is Chief Data Officer and Group Managing Director at Barclays in London where his responsibilities include data governance, information risk management and the data infrastructure for BI, data warehousing, BigData and analytics technologies across the Barclays Group globally.

He is also Chairman of Oasis500 in Jordan following his appointment in 2010 by King Abdullah II of Jordan to be the founding Executive Chairman. Oasis500 a tech startup investment fund that runs an accelerator, entrepreneurship training program, and angel investment network that aims to fund 500 Internet and Technology startups in the MENA Region.

Up until September 2008, Fayyad was based in Sunnyvale, CA as Yahoo!’s chief data officer & Executive VP responsible for Yahoo!’s global data strategy, architecting Yahoo!’s data policies and systems, prioritizing data investments, and managing the Company’s data analytics and data processing infrastructure which processed over 25 Terabytes of data per day. He was the industry’s first Chief Data Officer. Under his EVP role, Fayyad also founded and managed the Yahoo! Research Labs organization with offices around the world to develop the new sciences of the Internet, on­line marketing, Microeconomics, and algorithmic Advertising. At Yahoo! he applied Big Data techniques to content and advertising targeting and built the world’s largest group of data scientist – helping Yahoo! grow its revenues from user targeting by 20 times in 4 years. After Yahoo! and prior to Barclays he founded Open Insights, LLC a data strategy, technology and consulting firm based in Bellevue, WA to help enterprises understand data strategy and deploy data­driven solutions that effectively and dramatically grow revenue and competitive advantages.

In 2003 Fayyad co­founded and led the DMX Group, a data mining and data strategy consulting
and technology company that was specializing in BigData Analytics major projects with some of the Fortune 500 clients. DMX Group was acquired by Yahoo! in 2004. In early 2000, he co-founded and served as CEO of Audience Science (digiMine, Inc.), a venture backed company addressing hosted business analytics and leading the market in targeted advertising.

From 1995 to 2000, Fayyad was at Microsoft in Redmond, WA where he led the data mining and exploration group at Microsoft Research and headed the data mining products group for Microsoft’s server division. From 1989 to 1996 Fayyad held a leadership role at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), where his work in the analysis and exploration of Big Data in scientific applications gathered from observatories, remote­sensing platforms and spacecraft garnered him the top research excellence award that Caltech awards to JPL scientists – The Lew Allen Award for Excellence in Research, as well as a U.S. Government medal from NASA.

Fayyad earned his Ph.D. in engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1991), and also holds BSE’s in both electrical and computer engineering (1984); MSE in computer science and engineering (1986); and M.Sc. in mathematics (1989). He has published over 100 technical articles in the fields of data mining, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and databases. He holds over 30 patents, is a Fellow of the AAAI (Association for Advancement of Artificial Intelligence) and a Fellow of the ACM (Association of Computing Machinery), has edited two influential books on the data mining and launched and served as editor­in­chief of both the primary scientific journal in the field of data mining (Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery) and the primary newsletter in the technical community published by the ACM: SIGKDD Explorations. He continues to be active in the academic community serving at Chairman of ACM’s SIGKDD Executive Committee which runs the world’s premiere data science, big data, and data mining conferences: the KDD international annual conferences. He is a recipient of the ACM SIGKDD Innovation Award (2007) and Service Award (2003) – the only person to receive both awards.


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