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How MiNeeds, a Local-Services Startup Run by Software Guys, Softened Up for Weddings
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U.S.-North Africa Partnership for Economic Opportunity Entrepreneurship Delegation
Published by: Morocco World NewsAuthor: download PDF
‘Supporting entrepreneurship key to growth in Jordan, Arab world’
In Jordan and the rest of the Arab world, where the majority of jobs are currently provided by government agencies and mega-companies, there is
Predictive Analytics on Big Data – What Does the Future Hold?
What is the role of the ‘Data Scientist’?
What is the role of the ‘Data Scientist’? What is the role of the person who analyzes the big databases Internet companies are collecting? Nicole
Data scientists helping businesses navigate ‘big data’ seas
Facebook Inc. and LinkedIn Corp. are primarily known for their social networking prowess, but they’re also credited with helping to formalize an emerging job category
In the Mideast, Tech Start-Ups Seek Support
When Lebnan Nader introduced his iPhone app in late August, the game was an instant hit. Within four days Birdy Nam Nam — think
How business taught scientists about big data
Traditionally, scientists and researchers develop the latest and greatest techniques in computing, which then trickle down corporate data centers where they’re relevant. But with