Session 2 of the Applied Data Science Invited Talks Track
Monday 4:15M – August 15, 2016 – Yosemite Room – Hilton San Francisco
By Rajesh Parekh (@rgparekh) — Session Chair
Usama Fayyad (@usamaf), & Evangelos Simoudis (@esimoudis)
Applied Data Science – Invited Talks Track Co-Chairs, KDD-2016
The introductory article in this blog series can be found here.
Do you wonder how close we are in the race to autonomous vehicles? Would you like to gain insights into the work of 250K data scientists and learn about their best practices and solutions? Do you want to know how Wannamaker’s dilemma in marketing has been addressed using large-scale data science and machine learning? Come to the Applied Data Science invited talks track at 4:15 PM today to learn more.
We launched the Applied Data Science Invited Talks Track Talks with our first session this morning. This afternoon at 4:15 Come to Yosemite Room at the Hilton at 4:15PM and learn all about some of the exciting topics in Data Science and what it takes to get real deployments in place and successfully.
The session features three prominent speakers from the industry who will take us an exciting journey through the worlds of embedded systems used extensively in autonomous vehicles, data science workflows, and marketing optimization.
Dr. Jeff Schneider is the engineering lead for machine learning at Uber’s Advanced Technologies Center. He is currently on leave from Carnegie Mellon University where he is a research professor in the school of computer science. His bio is found here. He has 20 years experience developing, publishing, and applying machine learning algorithms in government, science, and industry. Jeff will talk about his work on embedded systems and its applications to autonomous driving vehicles. An important property of embedded learning systems is the ever-changing environment they create for all algorithms operating in the system. Optimizing the performance of those algorithms becomes a perpetual on-line activity rather than a one-off task. Jeff will discuss Bayesian optimization methods and their application in robotics and scientific applications, focusing on scaling up the dimensionality and managing multi-fidelity evaluations.
Dr. Ingo Mierswa (@ingomierswa) is the founder and President of RapidMiner and as such responsible for strategic innovation and execution around the open source machine learning platform. Ingo is an industry-veteran data scientist since starting to develop RapidMiner at the Artificial Intelligence Division of the TU Dortmund University in Germany. His bio may be found here. RapidMiner is the most frequently used visual workflow platform for machine learning. In his talk, Ingo will take us on a tour of machine learning which spans the last 15 years of research and industry applications and share key insights about how data scientists perform their daily analysis tasks. These patterns are extracted from mining millions of analytical workflows that have been created with RapidMiner over the past years. This talk will address important questions around the data mining process such as: What are the most frequently used solutions for typical data quality problems? How often are analysts using decision trees or neural networks? And does this behavior change over time or depend on the users experience level?
Rounding off the stellar list of speakers in this session is Dr. Oliver Downs, the Chief Scientist and CTO of Amplero. He leads the data science, technology and product teams responsible for building the company’s AI-based marketing technology platform. Olly is a machine learning scientist and serial technology entrepreneur, credited with bringing advanced analytics and machine learning methods to bear as the creative spark behind numerous early-stage technology companies. Olly specializes in applying abstract analytical ideas from mathematical, physical and statistical science to problems in the real world and commercializing them into significant businesses. We are all familiar with John Wanamaker’s famous quote: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” What’s ironic is that Wanamaker’s dilemma is as much the marketer’s dilemma today as it was in the 1900’s. In this talk, Dr. Downs will show us how at Amplero they have solved what’s not humanly possible to solve, making available to marketers an AI-powered marketing technology that makes use of dynamic machine learning at massive scale to enable smarter, more effective marketing. He focuses on the revolution of multi-armed bandit experimentation coupled with machine learning, highlighting what it means for today’s marketer, and specifically the marketer’s ability to directly impact business KPIs and customer lifetime value. As part of his presentation, he will share experiences and examples from our work with BtoC enterprises with 10M’s of customers.
The detailed program appears here. Come over and enjoy these fascinating talks on Monday, August 15 from 4:15 PM – 6:15 PM in the Yosemite conference room at the Hilton, Union Square, San Francisco at the Applied Data Science Invited Talks track i
See you at 4:15PM!
Usama, Rajesh and Evangelos – co–chairs of Invited Talks Track
Usama Fayyad, President & CEO, Open Insights (formerly Barclays CDO)
Rajesh Parekh, Analytics Director, Facebook
Evangelos Simoudis, Founder & Managing Director, Synapse Partners
Read the next Blog in the series by clicking HERE
Read the previous Blog in the series HERE
Come to our Interactive Panels Program as part of the Applied Data Science Track on Tuesday Afternoon, August 16, 2016:
Read about the Invited Panel: The Myths & Reality of BigData Tools
Read about the Invited Panel: BigData Needs Big Dreamers: Lessons from BigData Investors