September 26 – 27th, 2016, NY: Mobile Banking and Payments USA 2016

Mobile Banking and Payments USA 2016 is a close-knit platform bringing together 150 C-level and senior mobile, digital, product and data decision-makers from financial institutions.

September 26th, Monday

Talk, 09.35:

Evolution of Big Data Adoption and How You Can Leverage Technology to Adapt to the Disruptive Landscape Today

Panel, 16.10:

Fireside Chat: Identity and Internet of Things (IoT) in Banking

By harnessing the power of the Internet of things (IoT), banks will be able to change their role in the life of their customers and evolve into something new and exciting

  • Learn how IoT can improve merchant business, overall customer experience and as a result of that, increase profitability for banks
  • Understand the challenges and risks IoT poses in privacy and data, owing to improper usage, and potential fraudsters or hackers
  • Demonstrate what can be learnt and applied in banking from other industries such as insurance and retail

About the Conference




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