23rd SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2017) August 14-17, 2017 Halifax, Nova Scotia Applied Data Science invited talks Goal: Expose
Author: Usama
KDD-2017 Applied Data Science: Invited Panel
The overview article on the Applied Data Science Track in this blog series can be found here. Benchmarks and Process Management in Data Science: Will
The Future of Artificially Intelligent Assistants
Panel Abstract: Artificial Intelligence has been present in literature at least since the ancient Greeks. Depictions present a wide range of perspectives of AI
Five Reasons Why Data Scientists Are Hot!!
CEO, Aegis School of Business, Data Science, Cyber Security & Telecom I Founder – Data Science Delivered, Data Science Congress, Bell Award, mUniversity I
The Role of the CDO: gatekeeper or innovator?
In recent years, the hype of big data has fuelled board and executive level awareness of the value to be gained from data driven
Data Science Congress (DSC)
Data Science Congress (DSC)
Watch Dr. Usama Fayyad’s key note address which… – Aegis School of Business, Data Science and Telecommunication Watch Dr. Usama Fayyad’s key note
Who Is A Data Scientist?
When Harvard Business Review called it “The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century”, the term “data scientist” became a buzzword. Dr. Usama M. Fayyad, a
smartcon2016 liderlere ev sahipliği yapıyor
smartcon2016 liderlere ev sahipliği yapıyor 31 Mayıs 2016 21:17 Dünyada üçüncüsü, Türkiye’de ikincisi düzenlenen smartcon2016 İstanbul Zirvesi’nde büyük veri teknolojileri ile entegre edilmiş inovatif
Data Science Congress: The Economic Opportunity of BigData: Taking Advantage of the Rapidly Changing Data Landscape.
DATA SCIENCE CONGRESS 2017 A confluence of Data Science, Analytics, Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Computing, IoT and Cyber Security Big Data