Oasis500, the accelerator investment fund founded in Jordan, is looking to invest in about 110 start-ups and existing companies this year. That is almost
Author: Usama
Start It up: Turning Ideas Into Viable Business
How do you create viable business in the Middle East? GC investigates… Just five years ago, an entrepreneur’s best bet to raise money for
Big Data Mining
The term “Big Data” appeared for first time in 1998 in a Silicon Graphics (SGI) slide deck by John Mashey with the title “Big
Usama Fayyad with EHS staff, March 2013
Usama Fayyad with EHS staff. Published on EHS Twitter account on March 14, 2013: link.
Jordan’s MENA ICT Forum: Bigger, Bolder, Now with Mentorship
Organised by int@j, the MENA ICT Forum returned bigger and bolder this year, to bring many of the region’s tech movers and shakers to the
With reporter Eman Akour of Jordan TV after my interview on @Oasis_500 and @MENAICT at the #JOUSBF
With reporter Eman Akour of Jordan TV after my interview on @Oasis_500 and @MENAICT at the #JOUSBF
‘Time to stop the talking’
Real action needed to boost entrepreneurship in the Middle East With entrepreneurship becoming something of a buzzword in the Middle East, it would be
The Beirut Agenda is Set: 80+ Speakers in Over 35 Sessions
The Beirut Agenda is Set: 80+ Speakers in Over 35 Sessions ArabNet Beirut 2013 is shaping up as we get closer to the zero hour. The
Dr. Usama Fayyad making an announcement abt “MakeIT” the tech mentorship network
Dr. Usama Fayyad now making an announcement abt “MakeIT” the tech mentorship network with @microsoft #jordan #jo From Oasis500 Twitter account: link.
Invited Speaker – “Create Connect Collaborate” Arabnet Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, March 20-22, 2013.
Food and Beverage Digital and mobile technologies are redefining the food & beverage business – from reviews to deals to delivery. Restaurants are also